Training packages

We have a range of key training courses available. 

We are also able to produce bespoke packages to meet your needs so please do not hesitate to contact us for a free consultation if you are looking for something different.

Masturbation, Autism and Learning Disabilities

One day course - online or face to face

£1,400 per course for up to 14 participants or 129.95 per person

We receive numerous requests for support and guidance on this issue from practitioners working with people with learning disabilities. We have developed this unique and practical training course for professionals.

This course is to support practitioners, working with people with learning disabilities, to enable clients to masturbate safely and effectively if they so choose.

'A very useful course for those working with sexualised behaviour or Learning Disability' 

Working towards an inclusive school

2 hour online session 

Delivering school RSE and growing up education can mean that a range of questions and situations get brought up by children. This training session will explore how we present information, values and beliefs around gender and identity and why this matters. We will explore how we can support LGBTQ+ young people in an age appropriate and inclusive way and we will look at techniques that will make answering the inevitable tricky questions easier and share a range of good practice responses. 

Cost: £50 pp or £500 for a private course - up to 18 people.

Delivering an Inclusive Condom Session

2 hour online session

£50 per person

An online workshop exploring how we can deliver an effective and inclusive condom session with young people.

Jiwsi Sex & Relationship Work Training

Cost: free for staff and partners of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, or £170pp (minimum of 10 people) for private courses.

This two day course is funded by BCUHB for BCUHB & partner organisation staff in North Wales.  We deliver the course via a rolling programme across North Wales.

Aim: To increase participants' awareness, confidence and skills to work more effectively with issues concerning sexual health and vulnerable young people.

'Very informative training that was thought provoking and fun. Thank you.' 

Talking to young people about relationships and sex

One day course - online or face to face

Cost: £1,200 per course - up to 16 participants 

Knowing how to communicate with children and young people about relationships and sex can be challenging. This course is designed to give clear guidelines to professionals with the opportunity to practice skills and increase confidence. 

Aim: To build the confidence of staff when talking to young people about relationships, sexual health, sexuality and sex.

Building confidence in sex and relationships work

A two day course designed to to build the confidence of staff when working with young people and sexual health, sexuality and relationships and sex.

Cost: £200 pp (minimum of 10 people for private courses)

Learning outcomes

'Thank you very informative training, shows you both have expert knowledge in this field '

Sparc Workforce Training

One day course - online or face to face

Cost: £1,200 per course (up to 16 participants)

Sparc is a North Wales based project. We work with adults with learning disabilities, their parents and the people who work with them. Sparc provide training sessions on friendships, relationships and sex so that adults with learning disabilities become more confident with dating and relationships.

This training day is based on our experience in delivering this work, and what we have been told by the learning disability and/or autistic communities about how they would prefer to be supported

Become confident in supporting the rights and opportunities for adults with learning disabilities and or autism to have happy and healthy friendships, romantic relationships and sex.

This one day event focuses on exploring and removing barriers faced by adults with learning disabilities and autism in forming and maintaining positive friendships and romantic relationships.

During the course of the day participants will

Bespoke training: We can develop and deliver bespoke relationships and sex education courses based on your training and practice needs. Just contact us for more details.