Needs led, co-produced, developmental programmes of relationships and sex education (RSE) with vulnerable children and young people aged up to 25 years old.
The project also delivers training programmes for BCUHB and partner organisation staff to develop their confidence and skills in working with vulnerable young people and sexual health.
We also run a RSE practitioners' network; The Jiwsi Network, for professionals across North Wales to share and develop their RSE practice. As part of this we hold free practice development seminars to develop knowledge, skills, confidence and ongoing networking and informal support structures.
For more information contact
One to one and small group work, supporting and enabling friendships and romantic relationships for adults with learning disabilities.
We also run workshops and events for people with learning disabilities and their support staff to grow an understanding of rights and responsibilities around friendships, dating, relationships and sex. This is to support service users to make new friends and have romantic relationships if they wish.
In Conwy, this project is part-funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund
For more information contact
C Card Scheme
We are delighted to announce that we are now coordinating the North Wales C Card scheme; distributing free condoms, lube and sexual health advice.
Young people - 13 to 25 - are registered and provided with a reference number (usually on a card) which entitles them to free condoms
The registration process includes condom and safer sex education, and an opportunity to safeguard and signpost the young person
A built in review process enables an ongoing relationship with the young person, updating information and opportunistic teaching moments
We are coordinating the North Wales C Card Scheme for BCUHB.
Please contact us if you would like any further information about the scheme and/or would like to book on any C Card training